Market Library Services & Resources with WordPress

Librarian Guide is announcing the online training on “Market Library Services & Resources with WordPress” to be conducted during July 29-30, 2023. The event will be conducted in online mode. The main objective of this even is to benefit the students & professionals to learn about the open sources content management system WordPress to disseminate information about library resources & services to library patrons to support them for their better academic output.

By attending this event, one will learn the following:


a.    Installation of WordPress on standalone system and online

b.   Installation of different plugins and themes

c.    Creating pages & posts

d.   Adding widgets & its use for different purposes

e.    Integration of Koha Search Widget to enable searching books and other resources

f.     Enabling social media, images, slides etc.

g.    Backup & Restore

Registration Fee:         Rs. 100/- (Rupee One Hundred Only)


Interested professional may pay the registration fee by scanning the QR code mentioned below.

The interested students / professionals may register here.

The details about the training program to attend will be send to your registered email ID.


The maximum participants limit is 50 only.  


Librarian Guide 

Librarian Guide Travel Grant (LGTG) 2023

Librarian Guide Travel Grant (LGTG) - 2023 is a financial assistance for the students pursuing Master of Library & Information Science (MLISc) from any College / University / Institute in India. The main purpose of the LGTG is to provide an opportunity to the MLIB student for attending the conference being organized anywhere in India.


The student must be currently enrolled in the Master of Library and Information Science course in any college / university / institute in India only.


The selection will be done based on the marks secured in Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLISc). In case of equal percentage for two or more than two students, the selection will be done based on date of birth (DOB).


Student willing to apply for this grant needs to attach the following:

a.    Paper acceptance proof from the conference organizer,

b.   Student’s current identity card of MLISc

c.    Bachelor of Library & Information Science (BLISc) certificate.

d.   Passbook Xerox Copy with Address


The amount of Rs. 2500/- (Two Thousand Five Hundred only) will be given to the selected student.


The interested students may apply for this grant via the link mentioned below.


The last date to apply for this grant is August 31, 2023.



Librarian Guide

120 Mind Blowing AI Tools


About Mendeley

Mendeley is a free reference manager that can help you store, organize, note, share and cite references and research data:

  • Automatically generate bibliographies
  • Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  • Easily import papers from other research software
  • Find relevant papers based on what you're reading
  • Access your papers from anywhere online
DP Tripathi 

Virtual Workshop on Microsoft Word during August 12-13, 2023

Librarian Guide is conducting Virtual Workshop on Microsoft Word during August 12-13, 2023. There is no registration FEE. 

Interested participants may register to attend the workshop via the link mentioned below. 

DP Tripathi