What next shall I do in Library?

 Generally, this question comes in mind when we finish one task and I believe this question must be taking place in every professional’s mind. Really, it is very tough task to decide what next I can do which will be beneficial for everyone.

Actually, in my opinion, we must sense the need of our library users and accordingly we should provide the services from library. I thought of sharing some of my experiences with young library professionals who have just started their career…hope it will be very useful for everyone.

1.      Library Automation:

This mechanism has reduced the work load of every professional in this digital era but now-a-days, the biggest problem is to choose the right library automation software. Actually, there are many good library automation software available in the market (Commercial and Open Source both). In my opinion, those libraries which are in primitive stage, they must go ahead with Open Source Technology such as Koha, NewGenLib, and Evergreen etc. which supports International Standards and later, if you are not satisfied with the current software’s functionality, very easily you can switch over to the Commercial Software or any other with all your bibliographical data in same condition.

Open Source Tools for Library Automation:

Koha, NewGenLib, Evergreen etc.

2.      Digitization:

A library can start this service for maintaining the Institutional Repository or managing the electronic documents with the help of open source technology such as DSpace, E-Print, and Greenstone etc. But In my opinion, DSpace will be suitable for all as it has some unique features which will be very effective for academic community as well as for working staff for both operation and dissemination of Information.

Tools for Digitization:

DSpace, Greenstone, e-Print and Fedora Project etc.

3.      Library Website

This is the best service & application for any library to dissemination information quickly. As web application can be accessed anytime from anywhere, every library must maintain library web page. Now the question is how to maintain and develop the website? Now-a-days, there are many open source content management system available using which anyone can develop a very good and attractive website for library. I have also developed many websites using Joomla, WordPress etc.


4.      e-Newsletter

This service can also be started in library which will be very effective for library to bring to the notice of all the library users about one month activity of library. This e-newsletter can be designed and published using many methods. But, I find easy to publish e-newsletter with Microsoft Publisher which is available in MS Office Package in every system now a days. This tool is very easy to use and publish the newsletter.


Tool to publish e-newsletter:

a.      Microsoft Publisher

b.      Adobe Photoshop etc.

5.      Information KIOSK

The users find very easy to get the information about library & its resources with this equipment. Generally, it costs approximately Rs. 140000/- It is available with different configuration such as Thin Client, Stand Alone etc. Develop the software your own for this and keep in front of main gate of library which will be very effective for dissemination of information.

Tools to develop program for Information KIOSK:

We can use HTML and Flash for developing the program for Information KIOSK. For more assistance, visit www.w3schools.com

6. Develop Android Application for Library

A library can develop an Android Application for its services which will also be very effective as keeping smartphone has become very easy for everyone so the users can be made aware about library services through smart phone.

Tools to develop android application:

7.      New Arrival

This service is very essential as it keeps every library users updated with the latest editions available in the library. Generating the list of new arrivals is very easy as ready option is available in almost every software now-a-days. If not, this can be generated manually based on the processed documents in technical section. Later, the same list can be sent to all members through mail. User likes this service very much as they get information about latest books.


8.      Photocopier with Smart Card:

This service can also be provided to the user with Smart Card facility. In this, users are given one smart card (just like an ATM Card) with an option to have balance in it. When users come to take photocopy, they first swap the card and deduct the amount equal to the calculation of pages for which photocopy is to be done. Then, system allows user to photocopy the document up to the limit already deducted from user’s account. In-case, user does not have sufficient balance then user can recharge it.

9.      User Education Program:

Every month, a user education program can be organized on library services and its resources. This service is very useful for making the students aware about library resources, how to use these and also about other services. This program generally must be provided according to the user’s requirement.

10.  Demonstration:

Most of the library users don’t understand the nature of resources available in the library especially e-resources. A demo can be very helpful for all the users who access e-resources.

Apart from all these, there are many services which can be provided to our users.

DP Tripathi
NIT Jalandhar

मैं साक्षात्कार के लिए क्या और कैसे तैयार करूं?


साक्षात्कर की तयारी करना एक सुखद अनुभव है ... इस दौरान अधिकांश समय हमारा दिमाग प्रश्नों के चयन में व्यस्त रहता है कि मैं क्या और कैसे साक्षात्कार कि तयारी करूं| मैं जब कुछ साक्षात्कार के लिए चयनित हुवा तो साक्षात्कार शुरू होने से पहले तक अपने आपको प्रश्नों और उत्तरों को खोजने में व्यस्त पाया | इस बात पर मैंने विचार किया और अनुभव किया कि यदि मैं इस अनुभव को दूसरों के साथ बाटूँ तो सभी को लाभ होगा और यह सोच कर मैंने यह आर्टिकल लिखना शुरू किया |

१.      ज्ञान:

ज्ञान सभी उर्जाओं का श्रोत है जो कि आपको मजबूत और आत्मविश्वास से भरा हुआ बनाता है | लेकिन ज्ञान कि प्राप्ति एक या दो दिन में नहीं हो सकती इसके लिए आपको निरंतर अभ्याश करना होगा, निरंतर पढने के आदत और उससे ज्ञान को अर्जित करना होगा| इसका सबसे अच्छा उपाय यह है कि आप या निश्चित कर लें कि रात्रि में विस्तर पर जाने से पहले मैं एक टॉपिक पढ़ कर सोऊंगा| धीरे धीरे आप महसूर करेंगे कि किताब पढना आपकी आदत बन जाएगी और आप अपने आप को बहुत ही मजबूत और आत्मविश्वास से भरा हुआ पाएंगे मुख्यतया जब आप किसी समूह में व्यक्तिगत चर्चा में भाग लेंगे|

२.      आत्मविश्वास

आत्मविश्वास बढाने का सबसे आसन तरीका परफोर्मिंग and प्रक्टिसिंग है | मेरे नज़र में इससे अच्छा और कोई दूसरा उपाय नहीं है आत्मविश्वास बढाने का | आप जितना अभ्याश करेंगे और उतना ही आपका ज्ञान बढेगा और आपका आत्मविश्वास अपने आप बढ़ता जायेगा |

३.      भाषा

कई बार हम सब कुछ जानते हैं लेकिन उसको व्यक्त नहीं कर पाते उसकी एक प्रमुख वजह है कि हम भाषा के चयन में धोखा खाते हैं | भाषा के गलत चयन के कारन साक्षात्कार के दौरान हम अपनी बात ठीक ढंग से रख नहीं पाते और हमें असफलता का स्वाद चखना पड़ता है | दूसरा जो एक असफलता का प्रमुख कारण है कि हम साक्षात्कार की तयारी उस दिन से शुरू करते हैं जब हमें पता चलता है कि हमारा साक्षात् इस दिन है और हम पुरी तरह से तैयार नहीं हो पाते |

उत्तर भारत में अंग्रेजी भाषा साक्षात्कार में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है लेकिन हम यह जानते हुवे भी अपनी भाषा को मजबूत नहीं करते और बाद अपने आप को कोश्ते हैं कि काश मैंने ये तैयार कर लिए होता | मैंने अपनी अंग्रेजी को अच्छा करने के लिए कुछ इस प्रकार तयारी की जो मैं आप सबसे बाँटना चाहता हूँ|

अंग्रेजी सीखने के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप के साथ कोई बोलने वाला चाहिए| इसके लिए सबसे अच्छा साधन है कि आप अपने आपको सीसे के सामने खड़ा करिए और जितना ज्यादा हो सके अपने आप से सीसे के सामने वार्तालाप करिए | अपने मित्रों, परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों के साथ खूब बात करिए | हो सकता है कि वो आपकी बात न सुने फिर भी उनको सुनाइए | यदि आप बोलते समय कोई गलती करते हैं गलती होने दीजिये लेकिन गलती याद रखिये और सोचिये कि अगली बात वही गलती दुबारा न हो |

धीरे धीरे अंग्रेजी कहानी की किताबें पढिये और फिर अंग्रेजी के अखबार |

अपने शब्दकोष में प्रतिदिन एक नए शब्द को जोडीये इसके लिए आप एक शब्दकोष अपने पास हमेशा रखिये |

आप कुछ दिनों बाद देखेंगे कि आप न सिर्फ बोलने बल्कि लिखने में अपने आपको आत्मविश्वास से भरा हुआ पाएंगे|


४.      प्रस्तुति
साक्षात्कार के समय इस बात का अवश्य ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि जितना आवश्यक हो उतना ही बताये और यदि जरुरत पड़े तो उसकी व्याख्या करें| पूछे गए प्रश्न का सही तरीके से उत्तर देना चयनकर्ताओं को चयन करने में सहायक होगा | बिना वजह प्रश्न के उत्तर इतना लम्बा न करें कि उसको समझना चयनकर्ताओं के लिए टेढ़ी खीर बन जाये |


५.      सामाजिक जानकारी:

अधिकांश समय जब हम साक्षात्कार की तयारी करते हैं समाज से जुडी हुई नयी ख़बरों को छोड़ देते हैं | मेरे ख्याल से आप जिस पद के लिए चयनित होने जा रहे है उससे सम्बंधित प्रश्नों चाहे हो विषय से हो या सोशल (सामाजिक) हो, की जानकारी अवश्य रखें| यदि प्रश्न का उत्तर आप देते हैं तो आप के लिए यही जानकरी लाभान्वित करेगी|


६.      पुनः अभ्याश:

यह हमारे आदत में होता है कि हम एक बार जो पढ़ लेते और समझ लेते हैं तो उसे दुबारा नहीं पढना चाहते और सोचते हैं कि ये तो तैयार हो गया | लेकिन यह हमारी भूल होती है | उचित समय आने पर हम उस पढ़ी हुई पंक्तियों तुरंत दिमाग में नहीं ला पाते हैं| इसलिए यह अतिआवश्यक है आप जो भी पढ़ें अभ्याश पुनः जरूर करें|


७.      भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण:

हम सभी भावनाओं से भरे हुवे प्राणी हैं इसलिए साक्षात्कार के समय अपने भावनाओं को नियंत्रण में रखे और प्रयोगात्मक उत्तर देने का प्रयास करें | आपने आपको चयनकर्ताओं के सामने यह साबित करने के प्रयास करें कि यदि आपका चयन हुवा तो आप संस्था के लिए एक एसेट साबित होंगे |


८.      अपने आपको कभी नीचा न समझें:

जब भी आप साक्षात्कार के लिए जायें तो यह याद रखें कि आप किसी से भी अपनी तुलना न करें और आपने आप को बार बार इन शब्दों को दोहरा कर आत्मविश्वास से भरें जैसे “मुझे अच्छा करना है” “मैं ये कर सकता हूँ”| अपने दिमाग को नकारात्मक विचारों से दूर रखें| भगवान् को याद रखें और साक्षत्कार पूरे आत्मविश्वास से दें|


मुझे पूर्ण विश्वास है कि यदि हम इन बातों को ध्यान साक्षात्कार से पूर्व रखें तो चयन में यह सभी सहायक होंगे|

Information Literacy: Need for Good Deed

Believe it or not! Today we are talking and talking only about information, information explosion and its management and present situation has forced us to become information manager which is not at all an easy task. To become successful information manager, we are supposed to be information literate first which requires the understanding of the following in my opinion:

 a.     Information – why needed?

 In order to become successful Information Manager, first we need to identify that information is really needed and we have to understand why information is needed, what, how much, what kind of information is really required and at the same time, we need to identify that information is spread in wide range of formats in different locations (geographically and virtually). And, the skill which we need to develop to articulate a particular question for fetching the information for specific research is very important.

We all know that information is not limited to the boundary and inside the boundary of wall but it is available on paper, digital files, and other media such as audio visuals or from different sources. It may or may not be easy to get information to fulfill the need for making a right decision for getting a right answer against right question but we need to develop this skill.

 b.    Available Resources – Understand:

An information manager is supposed to develop a skill to evaluate and identify what resources are available on particular topic or particular information and where we can locate them in order to access them. If found also, what type of resources and whether we can use for our purpose. We need to understand the different types of resources such as paper-based, electronic resources, digital resources etc. and when & how to use them considering the merits of types of resources and differences as well.

 c.     Find Information – How?

We may be having very good resources but we need to develop technique and at the same time of plan for using the available resources so that we can get best information for the best question. Information literate has to understand that searching should not only be the option to get information but also learn other techniques such as browsing, monitoring information resources etc. Generally, we may find information from the following methods such as:

  • Go through several resources
  • Book Indexes given at the back
  • Abstracting and Indexing Journals
  • Use of RSS feed in order to get information from different sources
  • Active participation in forum, discussion list, e-mail alerts and bulletin boards etc.
  • Bookmarking the address on Browser such as Mozilla, Chrome etc.
  • Searching the information in search engines using Boolean Logic
  • Develop the understanding to use relevant ranked searching

d.    Evaluation of Results and Implementation

We need to develop skill to evaluate the obtained information for checking the accuracy and its value without biasness keeping the same in mind that the evaluation will not misguide or mislead with incomplete result. Many times it happens that we get information through search engines against our filled question, but we need to evaluate and understand whether the information is trustworthy then only information can help the researcher in right direction.

A prior knowledge of author, name of publisher, editor and series may help the researcher to reach the right destination with less effort.

 e.     Disseminate your search results (findings)

To become information literate, we need to develop the understanding to analyze the retrieved information to disseminate with accuracy. But before we leave the information for others to use, we need to understand the use of information in a responsible, sensitive and ethical manner. A proper respect to confidentially should be given and at the same time credit to the person who really owes the copyright. We also need to develop the ability to communicate in a manner which is appropriate to information, the user and present situation.

 f.      Manage your findings – How?

Finding is never easy against any question and it involves efforts and human interpretation at different stages to get right information for the right purpose. We need to develop the skill to manage the acquired information in most effective way with suitable methods and for that we will have to, sometimes, evaluate critically on our process and findings as well as sources from where we retrieved the information for using the findings and information at later stage. And for that we will have to think as follows:

  • Use of used resources in finding the information again
  • Use file cabinets or proper shelves to managing physical resources
  • Arrangement of emails with attachments
  • Planning security and backup of information retrieved for re-locating and use
  • Getting updates in changes in documents where you retrieved information
  • Use of Content Management System such as Joomla, Drupal etc. for information management  

If we succeed in developing such skills, definitely it will help us to become a successful information manager to support our academic community and we would also be able to contribute to our nation and its development and knows as ‘Digital India’.


DP Tripathi
NIT Jalandhar

Koha Reports - Branch Wise Fine Details

In order to generate branch wise fine in Koha, run this SQL Syntax. 

It will through the output in excel file which you can filter branch wise. 

Finding a Medical Journal Search Engine

Search engines are designed to integrate with an online academic database of archived published literature.

Large medical journal databases index articles from thousands of journals all across the world.

Here are just a few databases commonly used by credible medical search engines:

  • EMBASE – owned by Elsevier with over 29 million records
  • MEDLINE – contains more than 22 million biomedical published articles in its archive
  • PsycINFO – contains more than 3.5 million records
  • Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
  • MedlinePlus

7 reliable search engines for your health writing

1. PubMed

PubMed is probably the first online search engine that comes to mind for health writers. It is a free online archive of medical journal articles maintained by the United States National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NLM).

It contains over 25 million records and searches several databases – including interfacing with MEDLINE and other publications by the NLM, such as MedlinePlus.

You can easily refine your search per topic in PubMed by typing search terms to the MeSH (Medical subject text heading) to filter results and find specific journal articles. It’s also a great resource if you’re writing patient education materials.

2. Ovid

If you have a login access from your institution, there are other search engines that search MEDLINE, such as Ovid, Ebscohost and ProQuest.

3. Web of Science

Web of Science uses a large database of 8,700 international scientific journals from Thomson Reuters. The database includes a large number of international publications from Asia and requires a subscription to access the articles.

Web of Science has a useful database to search for scholarly research data on emerging trends if you’re writing protocols or guidelines. It covers over 250 disciplines in science, social science, arts and humanities.

4. Science Direct

You may already be familiar with ScienceDirect. It is a full-text scientific database, which can really help your writing when you need to read more than the abstract.

The search engine allows you to find articles in over 3,800 science, technology and medicine journals owned by academic publisher Elsevier.

Another similar portal is SpringerLink that has access to over five million articles in journals operated by publisher Springer.

5. Scopus

In 2006, an American researcher authored a review suggesting that, if you regularly use Web of Science to search for articles, Scopus can be a great complement – as neither resource includes everything published.

Scopus is a large database of over 60 million peer-reviewed literature also owned by Elsevier. Scopus interfaces with the EMBASE and MEDLINE databases to search records for journal articles.

You can access the full-text articles from more than 4,200 full-text journals, however login may be required via a subscription for some full-text journal articles.

6. Cochrane Library

If you’re looking for systematic reviews or meta-analyses, you should search the Cochrane Library. In addition to results obtained from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Cochrane library search results can also include control trials in MEDLINE and EMBASE, Cochrane protocols and editorials.

Cochrane library is a subscription-based search platform. However, some open-access articles may be retrieved, depending on when the article is published.

7. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a free medical journal search engine indexing journal articles from a variety of databases. If you regularly use Google to search online, using Google Scholar will come quite naturally and you can easily navigate and filter the results to suit your search.

Google Scholar is a great secondary search engine to use after your initial search. If you’re having trouble finding an article, often a search in Google Scholar can help you find the article.

Open-access search engines

If you don’t have access to full-text articles through an institution, there are several medical journal search engines that provide open access to free journal articles:

Zig-zag format………. so-called ‘QR Code’

Here, in the next few seconds, we are going to discuss more about QR codes and their uses in libraries for better services.

Curious to know?

You are supposed and must be.

QR Code……an abbreviation of ‘Quick Response Code’ was first introduced in 1994 by Toyota subsidiary Denso-Wave in Japan in the automotive industry. Based on my study through different resources, I understood ‘The QR Code’ as an advanced version of a barcode machine-readable optical label that contains information about any item and uses four encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji) to efficiently store data. QR Code consists of black squares which are arranged in squares and can be read by any QR image processing device or scanner (2D).

How to Generate QR Code?

Generating a QR Code is very easy in nature. There is free software available online as well as offline which you download and install in the system.

Online QR code generator:

There are many online QR Code generators but I find this one very useful for my purpose.


You can generate the QR Code for URL, vCard, Text, E-Mail, SMS, Facebook, PDF, MP3, App Stores, Images, etc. You need to simply select one option and enter the information. See the example mentioned below.

I entered my website detail and created QR Code which generated the image at right. Now I can download the image and use it wherever I want to use it for my purpose.

Offline QR Code Generator:

There are many free good QR Code generators that can be downloaded but I found this one very best for my purpose. https://sourceforge.net/projects/zint/files/zint/test/

This file can be downloaded and QR Code can be generated in Windows OS.

The generated image can be saved as a PNG file and used for different purposes.

How to read QR codes?

To read QR Code, you need any device with a QR code reader or scanner which can collect the QR Code information, convert it into a readable format and display the message.

The best method is to install the freely available Android Application which can easily be downloaded and installed on any Smart Phone.


Likewise, there are many other applications that can help you to read the QR Code through your smartphone.

How to use in Academic Libraries and Education?

Any library can generate the QR Code for the following and provide better services.

1.      Website containing all the services:

If you are having a website and also a service division separately containing all the details, then simply copy the link and generate the QR Code.


2.     List of e-resources:

Generate the QR Code for a list of e-resources, if you have all listed on a single page OR you can generate the QR Code separately also for different resources.

3.     Contact Library Staff as vCard

To provide a quick and ready reference, it is always advisable to generate the QR Code of staff as vCard and list them all on a single page and make it available to the users. If the user is willing to store your contact detail, he/she is supposed only to scan the code and store the information in the smartphone. Later he can use it for his/her purpose.

4.    Posters/Pamphlets:

Some libraries have their own Posters / Pamphlets in order to promote and market their services. QR Code may be one of the easy methods in the promotion of these kinds of services by adding the QR Code on posters/pamphlets.

5.     Workshop Banners:

Libraries keep conducting workshops for research scholars, faculty, and other professionals. Sometimes, if users find it difficult to remember the dates and venue with time, a QR code may be an easy tool to reach the scheduled workshop on time and date.

6.    Information Literacy Pamphlets:

Being Information Managers and called library professionals, it is our responsibility to introduce literacy programs for the users so that users can get easy access to our library services and resources.

a.      Circulation Privileges QR Code

b.      Fine details QR Code

c.      OPAC QR Code

d.     New Arrivals List QR Code

e.      Login Page QR Code

f.       Announcements QR Code

g.      Download Page QR Code

h.     Google Map QR Code with location (How to reach?)

7.     Wi-Fi access details:

We can provide the information through QR Code about Wi-Fi access in the library if you have this provision. Users will get the details through QR code about how to use and how to access and will also be able to store the information for future use in the phone easily.


Apart from all these, there are other possible areas, which can be introduced with the help of QR Code effectively.

8.    Create your own QR Code for vCard:

The best part I found of the QR Code is that it enables you to create a vCard with your personal details which can easily be stored in Smart Phone by scanning through any 2d Image Scanner. I tried to implement it with my vCard and it worked successfully. The detail is mentioned below:

Please add, if you have any other service apart from the above-mentioned points.



DP Tripathi