Generally, this question comes in mind when we finish one task and I believe this question must be taking place in every professional’s mind. Really, it is very tough task to decide what next I can do which will be beneficial for everyone.
in my opinion, we must sense the need of our library users and accordingly we
should provide the services from library. I thought of sharing some of my
experiences with young library professionals who have just started their
career…hope it will be very useful for everyone.
Library Automation:
mechanism has reduced the work load of every professional in this digital era
but now-a-days, the biggest problem is to choose the right library automation
software. Actually, there are many good library automation software available
in the market (Commercial and Open Source both). In my opinion, those libraries
which are in primitive stage, they must go ahead with Open Source Technology
such as Koha, NewGenLib, and Evergreen etc. which supports International
Standards and later, if you are not satisfied with the current software’s
functionality, very easily you can switch over to the Commercial Software or
any other with all your bibliographical data in same condition.
Source Tools for Library Automation:
Koha, NewGenLib, Evergreen etc.
library can start this service for maintaining the Institutional Repository or
managing the electronic documents with the help of open source technology such
as DSpace, E-Print, and Greenstone etc. But In my opinion, DSpace
will be suitable for all as it has some unique features which will be very
effective for academic community as well as for working staff for both
operation and dissemination of Information.
for Digitization:
Greenstone, e-Print and Fedora Project etc.
Library Website
is the best service & application for any library to dissemination
information quickly. As web application can be accessed anytime from anywhere,
every library must maintain library web page. Now the question is how to
maintain and develop the website? Now-a-days, there are many open source
content management system available using which anyone can develop a very good
and attractive website for library. I have also developed many websites using
Joomla, WordPress etc.
service can also be started in library which will be very effective for library
to bring to the notice of all the library users about one month activity of
library. This e-newsletter can be designed and published using many methods.
But, I find easy to publish e-newsletter with Microsoft Publisher which
is available in MS Office Package in every system now a days. This tool
is very easy to use and publish the newsletter.
to publish e-newsletter:
a. Microsoft Publisher
b. Adobe Photoshop etc.
Information KIOSK
users find very easy to get the information about library & its resources
with this equipment. Generally, it costs approximately Rs. 140000/- It is
available with different configuration such as Thin Client, Stand Alone etc.
Develop the software your own for this and keep in front of main gate of
library which will be very effective for dissemination of information.
to develop program for Information KIOSK:
can use HTML and Flash for developing the program for Information KIOSK. For
more assistance, visit
Develop Android Application for Library
library can develop an Android Application for its services which will also be
very effective as keeping smartphone has become very easy for everyone so the
users can be made aware about library services through smart phone.
to develop android application:
New Arrival
service is very essential as it keeps every library users updated with the
latest editions available in the library. Generating the list of new arrivals
is very easy as ready option is available in almost every software now-a-days.
If not, this can be generated manually based on the processed documents in
technical section. Later, the same list can be sent to all members through
mail. User likes this service very much as they get information about latest
Photocopier with Smart Card:
service can also be provided to the user with Smart Card facility. In this,
users are given one smart card (just like an ATM Card) with an option to have
balance in it. When users come to take photocopy, they first swap the card and
deduct the amount equal to the calculation of pages for which photocopy is to
be done. Then, system allows user to photocopy the document up to the limit
already deducted from user’s account. In-case, user does not have sufficient
balance then user can recharge it.
User Education Program:
month, a user education program can be organized on library services and its
resources. This service is very useful for making the students aware about
library resources, how to use these and also about other services. This program
generally must be provided according to the user’s requirement.
of the library users don’t understand the nature of resources available in the
library especially e-resources. A demo can be very helpful for all the users
who access e-resources.
from all these, there are many services which can be provided to our users.
DP Tripathi
NIT Jalandhar